Ocean Counselling Counselling & therapy in Gloucestershire & South Warwickshire

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About Counselling

Counselling is a way of sharing in confidence, what troubles us and how we feel, with a trained Counsellor who will not judge us... or what we say. The Counsellors at Ocean Counselling are experienced at helping people with their problems, difficulties, losses and life situations

Talking to someone who we feel we can trust, who is separate from our situation and is prepared to listen and hear what we are trying to say can allow us to feel at ease and safe in the process of seeking help

Sometimes our problems can feel very complicated, difficult or even impossible to overcome and we can easily get bogged down and overwhelmed by them. Counselling can help us look at our situation in a different and perhaps more beneficial or insightful way. The road ahead can often be tough and the outcome unknown but asking for help can be the first step in a new direction that can sometimes bring about the changes that we need to make

You can be assured that your affairs will be treated in strictest confidence and as a client you will be treated with respect, courtesy and kindness. Whatever you say will be listened to with a Professional ear and this can help in trying to understand your situation and find a way forward if possible or perhaps come to terms with a situation or see your options more clearly

How many sessions will I need?
It's always up to you...

You can have as many sessions as you feel are helpful to you. Some people find that just a single session is enough for them to begin to make sense of an issue or have used it as a useful opportunity to talk something through. Others choose further counselling because it seems to help with more complicated problems. The choice is always yours however we often recommend a minimum of 4 - 6 sessions in order to get the best from the counselling process

Finding out more...
If you are thinking about coming to have Counselling and would like to talk it through - or would like to know more about what is involved - then please call or email confidentially and we will try to answer any questions you may have

Contact Ocean Counselling by confidential email


Alcohol Counselling

Ocean Counselling also specialises in helping those who are experiencing drinking problems
If you feel that you have a problem with alcohol or are worried about your drinking, or someone else's drinking, you can call in complete confidence to talk about your situation with a Specialist Counsellor who understands the feelings and difficulties involved

We can so often end up feeling alone, desperate and misunderstood when drinking has become a problem and this can feel like a very lonely place to be. So often... the feeling of being understood can be missing when trying to get help

Asking for help in the first place is a fundamentally positive and constructive step to take and shows that you have the courage to begin to do something about your problem

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Ocean Counselling
Counselling and therapy in Gloucestershire and South Warwickshire - Alcohol Counselling in Gloucestershire
‘Our mind is like an ocean…’ Zen Master Tang Hoi

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