Ocean Counselling Counselling & therapy in Gloucestershire & South Warwickshire

Counselling and therapy in Chipping Campden


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Safe and confidential Counselling
We offer safe and confidential Counselling in quiet and pleasant counselling rooms located in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire. We also provide Home Counselling and Online Counselling services if for any reason you are unable to travel or are located out of the area more...

We have experience in helping with many kinds of difficulties and problems
Feeling low or depressed
Relationship problems
Worry, anxiety and panic
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed
Phobias and irrational fears
Problems with alcohol
Feeling angry or frustrated
Addictions, compulsions and obsessions

... along with many other feelings and symptoms which are troubling and can cause distress. We also take on clients with a wide variety of life situations and psychological challenges

If you would like more information about how Counselling could help - Go to About Counselling

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Alcohol Counselling

Ocean Counselling is able to offer experience based Counselling for those who feel that drinking has become a problem or if you are simply concerned about your own or another person's drinking more...

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Ocean Counselling
Counselling and therapy in Gloucestershire and South Warwickshire - Alcohol Counselling in Gloucestershire
‘Our mind is like an ocean…’ Zen Master Tang Hoi

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